Needed to get out of the flat Saturday... confinement is no good and it breads lethargic behaviour... Anne and I decided to take a wander to what most weekdays is a busy bustling part of London, Canary Wharf... an area neither Anne nor I had ever been to before...

The large skyscraperesque buildings that are Canary Wharf are an alternative financial center to London City... modern buildings built up when times were good to accommodate the growing demand... now when times are... _________ (I'll let you fill in that depending on what mood your in)... whats funny is that today as you wander the streets of London and look upwards at the office spaces left and right, what strikes you now is that there are lots and lots of empty desks everywhere... This is London! One of the largest business centers of Europe, where there are more opportunities than in most parts of Europe... but yet the emptiness is ghostly... and according to "experts" likely to continue this year... As there is already enough negativity out n about I'm going to try to refrain from adding to it... :-) Instead, I'd like to think of how much easier this has made life for Cleaners.. who still need to clean the same spaces because dust doesn't only congregate around people but anywhere there is empty space, now the cleaners of london aren't disturbed by people... aren't forced to clean up for a lot more, the desks are clear...:-) so their life is easier:-)
Continuing on the Canary Wharf story... it was a lovely but coolish day yesterday... and looking out over the skyline of London along the Thames... I thought to myself...

I thought...despite not having a job... despite the rollercoaster ride that this is... despite all the slightly more difficult aspects of this move and such, I'm really just as excited and positive to this move as I was when I first made the decision, as when I first moved here and throughout... This is the right move for Anne and myself, this is the right place, London is bustling, London is exciting, London is opportunity... London is Challenging... and I'm in the group of people that believes that without Challenge, life is nothing...
What I add is that I'm so happy to have Anne here... she is an inspiration to me and helps me get through the days even though at times this past week I was überly stressed ... the stresses that come with moving to a different city are multiplied greatly when neither has a job and when times are tough... and while nothing can be rosey every second of every day... I much prefer to have her here than not.. I'd much prefer to start out like this and be here for eachother when we move to a new city than to hardly ever see one another (which might have been the case if we both had gotten hard-core jobs from the start)... we're still working on finding a good balance of alone time and quality together time though... but I'm sure we can find it...
The week that went...This week I applied to a number of jobs at the 2012 Olympics, got one rejection from one from them... was meant to meet with a woman who works with MC SAATCHI (a sports agency)...
In a change of strategy, I applied to my first non-sports related role... a role at Research in Motion (The makers of the Blackberry)... having read the profile they were looking for, I can confidently say that I have first hand strong experience from all of them... but competition these days is an absolute KILLER!!! But similarly, somebody's got to get the jobs... might as well be me... ey... I will continue to attempt to get my foot into the Sports event Management side but keep a bit of an eye on other opportunities too... I'm gagging to get back into some work...
I also read in an Economist article from 3rd January 2009 (pg 10) something that reminded me of things learnt in the past... Its about our generation and how we function...
"The Net Geners have grown up with computers; they are brimming with self-confidence; and they have been encouraged to challenge received wisdom, to find their own solutions to problems and to treat work as a route to personal fulfilment rather than merely a way of putting food on the table. Not all of this makes them easy to manage. Bosses complain that after a childhood of being coddled and praised, Net Geners demand far more frequent feedback and an over-precise set of objectives on the path to promotion ... Having grown up in good times, Net Geners have laboured under the illusion that the world owed them a living. But hopping between jobs to find one that meets your inner spiritual needs is not so easy when there are no jobs to hop to."
Its all a bit like looking in a mirror obviously because thats the way I live and the way a lot of people I know look at things... Its about finding that balance though...
Much in the same way, Thursday night we found a balance of looking for work and taking it easy by going to my friend Emma's place for dinner with her flatmates Gemma and John. Lovely food (Fajitas)... a lot of wine... lots of laughs and good stories... (among other things about Paul McCartney, Brian Adams, Oasis and Tony Blair... put those four(ish) in a room and a camera and see what happens ey:-))
This week that comes will see some interesting events... will try to meet up with the woman from MCSaatchi who couldn't meet last week. Meet up with an old classmate Lynn Svensson if possible, go to a Birthday party for Alex (Gemma's bf) on Friday and it all starts tomorrow morning at 7 am with trying to get tickets to Chelsea v Hull for 7th February when my friend Anders comes to town... Anne's got an important meeting on Thursday with a top Modelling agency (can't remember the name right now...)
Never got to the bikers so i'll keep that for later... grrr... bikers!!!
I'll leave you with this picture... they say that you should picture yourself where you want to be in order to be successful. Seeing as the head offices of the London 2012 Organising Committee is in Canary Wharf, thats just what I've done...