Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The headlines today...

Here's the headlines that met me today as I was coming back from an interview...UK Jobless Total hits 12- year high. Click the link to read the article in the London Paper (a free paper handed out every evening in london).

Here's a quote:
"As many as 300 jobseekers are chasing every vacancy. Fast-food giant McDonalds says it is swamped by more than 2,200 job applications everyday, with bank workers, graduates and teachers among the applicants"
Nice to know that I might not even be able to get a job at McDonalds. :-) Great when the job market gets to this. In the metro, it stated the same thing but in a study conducted by asking 1000 managers, they found that the managers believed that "If you hadn't found a job within 6 months of being made redundent, you were unlikely to because of the negative stigma of having been out of work so long". Put those two and two together. 2.2 million people out of work and yet no lea-way from managers who have never been in such a situation before. God-forbid those same managers are made redundent and find it difficult to find work for 6 months.

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