Sunday, November 6, 2011


Time flies when you're... working hard...

It's easy to lose yourself in work. In the stresses of everyday. But it's important to get away from that. This weekend I've had my urge for "creative" time... it seems to happen every now and then... but now I feel like I've been neglecting my creative side lately and realise it affects me.

Hence why I'm blogging again as well. It's one way of releasing. Another way was taking a day off work on Friday and walking around London taking pictures. My goal was to capture a few different sides of London, inspired by the protesters at St. Pauls. In such close proximity you have so many different worlds.

- St. Pauls and Bank - Bankers, corporate suits and work work work. Now St. Pauls has been taken over by hippies and protesters though which made for an interesting contrast. Atop all that... tourists from every corner of the globe.

-Old Street - hip, young, fashion conscious people who in some instances try to dress poor when they in fact spend fortunes looking like it.

- Goodge street and British Museum - tourists and school children. A very differing group of people.

Here are my favorite few shots of the day.

While chatting about this inspirational stuff... I've been watching a lot of X-Factor lately... getting a bit of ridicule for it but the reason it's inspiring me is because the fact that there is so much talent out there in this world. There are people who are incredible and don't get the chance to share it with others. When they do it inspires me.

This is Melanie Amaro from the US X-Factor and an extremely powerful song.

While we're on the video segment.

This is an old video that I thought about today. When I first heard it I was doing alright but a friend of mine wasn't. He was lacking some confidence and listening to it made me smile. I like this song. :-) Besides that, it's a pretty cool video as well.

There are quite a few new songs on my top 5 list right now...

1) Adele - Someone Like you
2) Adele - Set fire to the rain -
3) Listen - Beyonce -
4) Breathe Gentle - Tiziano Ferro and Kelly Rowland)

5) Orphee Aux Enfers (Galop) - Jacques Offenbach

So that's a lot of links and stuff but haven't shared for a while. :-)

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