Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I for one love christmas...

I love Christmas!!! Back in Belgium... the whole crew is here now... had our first christmassy lunch... presents are wrapped, laughs here, laughs there... christmas music... I love the optimistic, happy attitude people have when it comes to Christmas... Was down at Carrefour shopping some more beer this morning and everyone was extremely friendly.. overly friendly if you will... and I'm the kind of person who likes when everyone is happy, even if its artificial for one holiday... I'd prefer one day of super happiness to no days anyday :-)

Don't want to write all too much, will post some pictures in the slideshow you can see on this page... but will even add one or two to this page... :-) The one where I'm wearing a purple shirt is taken today... the one with a green apple is taken yesterday:-)

Have great christmas and see you next year when I have a JOB:-)

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