Whether you make your own opportunities to find work, to move forward in your career, to get the last toy at Toys'R'Us at the Christmas Rush or purely to organise a chance to get away... there is a lot that you can do yourself by trying.
Sometimes its not that easy to just get away because it takes quite some effort just to get out of bed. When planning is involved it's easy to take the option of doing something that takes no effort and no planning . Getting up and going when you actually can just as easily lay in bed all day can sometimes be tough. But when you do get up and go you see wonderful things. Anne and I saw Oxford on Sunday and saw some wonderful things.
You see guys in Yellow suits playing the TUBA...

Cute little kids... acting like a gangster... threatening a tree at the Botantical Gardens...

Fantastic sights. It's extremely easy to get to Oxford from London. There is a bus called the Oxford Tube that runs every 15 minutes and runs all night long. Whats funny is that in Oxford all we heard was proper English. Everyone spoke with a fairly posh accent... everyone looked fairly proper as well... there were quite a few tourists but luckily you could find some quiet spots too.
Quite funny... from the Botanical Gardens in Oxford we were able to see a proper cricket game too.. reminding me of my time in Australia playing cricket.. the gentlemans sport:-) and no... we didn't watch it all... it takes several hours to play...

It's quite unbelievable that it's been 2 years since Anne and I met. It feels like just yesterday but I'm sooooo happy she is here with me in London. It's incredible how much easier it is to move with someone to share your pains and joys.
I'll leave you with some more pictures from Oxford.

As this was a nice day away and a surprise day away at that for Anne, it was great to see that she enjoyed it as much as she did. :-)

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