Saturday, May 16, 2009

Toughest week for a while..

This week that just passed has been one of the tougher weeks I've faced. The death of Alejandro was a shock and a tragedy. You have to dig quite deep to summon the energy, the determination, the positive thinking to continue a job hunt. Those who are working and are busy at work can submerge themselves in work which can lighten the heavy weight of this kind of news. Obviously it is important to have the chance to mourn as well but life gets back to normal. I have been and am still optimistic about this entire job hunting ordeal in London despite the incredible stresses I'm under but even the most optimistic of people are affected with news that lowers ones spirit so.

I'm more convinced than ever that moving to London is the right thing for me and now was the right time to do it. I know that it is very difficult to understand the situation I find myself in if one hasn't been in my shoes but it's a real battle out there to get even the most junior of jobs. In the middle of this tough week I had an interview at a small online sales house. An interesting company which I think has great potential but as with most interviews, its sometimes difficult to get a good feel for how you did. As I was myself, there's nothing else I can do. Still these jobs I'm getting are entry level. Starting from the bottom and working my way up.

Have yet to hear their decision but fingers crossed. Would entail another interview with the managing director.

I've also managed to organise some "temp" work for a maximum of 20 hours per week. We shall see where that leads...

On Saturday I spent the day at Twickenham watching the Guinness Premiership Rugby Union Final... between Leicester Tigers and the London Irish... an interesting experience. 82,000 people. Rugby is a fantastic sport and real hard mans sport. Also managed to drink 9 beers in the space of around 6 hours. Good day out and nice way to get my mind off the tough week that I'd just had.

Anne's just come back from Sweden where she spent the weekend so I'm off but wish me luck for another interesting week in London hunting jobs.

1 comment:

Natasja said...

GRATTIS ALLRA COOLASTE RICH! You're THE MAN! Hope life is treating you well and especially tonight and this weekend. If someone knows how to have fun, it's you! KRAM /Natasja