Moving to London without a job in the best of times might be tough but doing so when the world has gone absolutely mad with economic fright? Well one might rightly be considered slightly naive.
Deciding that you are going to "pursue" your dream career might also be considered brave when things are good, but to do so when nobody is willing to take a chance is seen in the majority of peoples eyes as down right STUPID. :-)
That makes me STUPID and NAIVE... :-) Something to put on my CV...
Don't really know who this Philip Adams guy is.... but as Richard Branson says...sometimes you have to say "Screw it, lets do it"... The more you risk, the greater the fall, but also the greater the rewards...
Sitting here in London, embracing my first of many "You've really chosen the wrong time to move. Nobody's going to take a chance on you", I logically start questioning my decisions! Ultimately though, if you haven't given it a go...
The hunting process is amusing because just when you thought you've found the perfect company, the perfect opportunity ... prepared your CV, your cover letter, your perfect answers, the door slams in your face quicker than you can say.. "Take a chance, take a chance take a chance"... and you question whether the chance is gone. Should I return to my safety spot? At the moment my answer is a resounding no... :-)
The journey continues and so do the dreams...
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