Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A good kicking...

Good day today... started quite poorly, wasn't in much of the mood to do anything. Was a bit down and unmotivated. Stressed by the fact that there doesn't seem to be any progress made... at least no concrete progress... decided to take a 15 minute break and tried to unfocus on the job completely... ... tried to tell myself to get a hold of yourself... this is your opportunity... go for it... you've got nothing to lose... when I came back I made a list of what I wanted to get done today and that was send off two CV's with accompanying cover letters... and I got that done... :-)

so now when I'm about to finish up for the day I feel quite good ... somethings bound to happen :-)

So that was the "job hunting"... yesterday there were two guys that (seperately) came around to the apartment I'm staying in to look at a room that is becoming available at the end of this month... two of the apartments occupants were to interview the dudes and seeing as my sister is in Gabon this month I decided to act as her deputy interegator...

Now I've interviewed people for jobs before and now I've sat through the ole... "so are you going to be a good flat mate" kind of discussion... its quite funny the kind of predjudices you have with people, based on very little information really... how they look, where they're from... what they do... how they sit, etc etc etc... "He's fat, so he must eat a lot meaning he needs more space in the fridge" or "Not single? Maybe he'll bring home a lot of ladies" or "Receeding hairline... ooo... he won't steal as much of my shampoo" .... in my situation I was just interogating and ultimatily the decision shouldn't really affected me assssss much as I don't live in this appartment more than just temporarily, but its still interesting to be part of the process...

If nothing else it gives you a perspective on how people view you and how every little thing you say when you are meeting people that are judging you will be exaggerated... its interesting and thats the way the world works... but often time its all about "the gut instinct".... isn't that funny, the gut instinct... what the hell is that??? when the hell did you develop a gut instinct... did you get the "gut instinct" at the age of five when you suddenly thought to yourself, "no i shouldn't put this dog shit in my mouth, something tells me its not good for you"... or have you always had it... whatever the case its important to remember when you look for new work, when you meet new people who for one reason or another you need to impress...

an interesting thing that struck me though is some people put them through this rather akward and stressful situation more than others (ie. me)... and why the hell is that? Others (quite a few people i know but not pointing any fingers cause its not negative) go through year after year with this happening minimalistically... its the uncertainty of the foreign object that obviously causes these predjudices... but even for someone who has been in the situation a hell of a lot (the position of being judged), you find yourself returning to this gut instinct...

Its something I've thought a lot about but not really placed before... am I a person who people generally get a good gut instinct about the first time they meet me... or am i rather a person who can build relationships up over time... (which is not as good for interviews but is great for networks)... I'll never know myself but its an interesting question... its one thing to make friends, its another to put yourself up there for Jobs, for Apartments, for any responsibility...

whatever the case... lets hope the gut instincts of all those I meet in the future are good :-)

Tomorrow I'm meeting an old flat mate from my second year at university in Manchester. Haven't seen him for at least 4 years. Should be good times.

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