------ The last thing you need to do when looking for work is confine yourself to a very small space with no windows so following an extremely productive morning job-hunting session where I was able to spew my CV and cover-letter out to a number of unprepared victims, I decided it was time to end my 24 hour self-confinement and take a short wander on the streets of London.
No matter what time of day you travel these London streets you seem to see professional looking people wandering here, there, everywhere. Businessmen in suits taking late 15.00 o'clock sandwichs in cafés everywhere. To think every one of these suits is a value-adding member of society. Fantastic! Came to thinking though that due to recent economic difficulties, the fancy schmanzy suits their wearing today may need to be worn for a little big longer than they may have liked. :-)
Lesson #2 - Patience! Only stretch yourself when you know the entire you is with
----- Taking the tube back from Kings Cross to Old Street, I witnessed the EVENT of the DAY!!!!
Hoping on the tube I grasped at the pole to steady myself for the upcoming journey. The doors were seconds from closing and a group of 3 Japanese kids had just hopped on... just then, as the doors started shutting... a woman stretched both arms forward in hopes of making the train... to her surprise though the doors shut trapping her arms at around the elbow with the rest of her torso still on the platform... she was no match for the powerful jaws of the door so she started trying to pull her arms back to towards her... suddenly you could see the fear in her eyes as she realised she was gripping tightly to a plastic bag with her purse and mobile phone in the bag and in her hands. The bag was still in the train but her body was outside. Reluctantly she released the bag staring through the doors at a little Japanese kid who was trying to help and holding the bag. The train began to move with the woman looking distressed on the platform... a little teenage Japanese kid holding the bag with the mobile and phone on the train looking at his friends wondering what they should do.
I must admit I couldn't help but giggle at this tragic situation. Really there should be no moral or lesson to this funny event, but if we decide to anyway one might say its important to make sure you are totally commited and fully behind any leaps you make take. Had the woman waited 2 minutes she would have caught the next train. Patience! In the philosophical mood I'm in right now, this is something I will keep in mind in my pursuit of a job.
I'll finish today with a totally random picture. It shows the everyday in London. No particular street, sight, person, or reason to take it other than to show that life continues as usual out there. :-)
The journey continues
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