Saturday, January 14, 2012

Flight #4 - The Big Boss man

To date, this is my FAVORITE seat buddy or flight partner.

His name was Steve and he was the Head of Sales for Scania in the UK. We were flying a 767, a big plane from Stockholm Arlanda to London Heathrow and the flight was delayed by 90 minutes.

We spoke the entire journey which is the first time in a while I've sat next to someone I've genuinely been interested in and him me. It didn't look like he was irritated by it.

He was a man in his 50's with kids in their teens. He had worked in the Trucking world for 20-30 years and had a lot of great insight. Travelled to Sweden quite a lot.

Well dressed, well spoken and very friendly. It was clear why he was in Sales. We discussed everything from Football to Technology and his only negative was that he was an Arsenal fan.

He definitely looked like he enjoyed life and was a very humble and down to earth kind of guy. So far my favorite.

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