Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Flight #11 - the Cranky feminist

I've got to be careful because I'm writing this on the flight as the person is sitting next to me. Scary huh. :-)

The flight is from Helsinki to LONDON heathrow at 1930. It's not a super full flight do the middle place is free but someone is sitting in my row (10f) in the aisle.

She had an English accent when she answered whether she wanted tea or coffee but she didn't give the stewardess the light of day. Looked down and seemed downright unhappy. She has über short hair. Is rounder shaped. Dresses quite poor. Quite old womanly. It's definitely a case for one of those makeover shows.

Listening to some Pulp music. I wouldn't be surprised if she works quite high up for some charity or education maybe some governmental organisation or UN? I'm sure she's very clever and driven and talented. She gives off that aura.

I'm also fairly sure she's not too bitchy but probably quite nice if you get to know her.

When I say she's feminist I don't mean that in a bad way. She's a strong woman.

She reminds me a bit of the chubby German girl from earlier. :)

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