Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Flight #12 -Rosa - The Spanish speaking Mama

On my flight today from London heathrow Terminal 5 to Oslo I had the pleasure of sitting next to a suntanned woman in her 50's from South America. I would say Mexico or Guatemala or something like that.

Her passport was blue and she spoke not a word of English. When the stewardess asked her what she wanted to drink she mumbled looked at me and what I had and after a few seconds I said to the stewardess hat I think she wants what I'm having (tea and a water).

Her son was travelling with her and sittin behind her. He was in his early 20's and looked quite ghetto.

Rosa as I will call her seemed like a sweet and friendly lady. She smiled a lot, wore a very colourful blue short-sleeved shirt which implies she wasn't told that it was cold in Oslo. :-) and I say again, had a beautiful tan that makes me jealous.

PS. I'm writing this from the express train from the airport to Oslo and the girl next to me is stunning. She's clearly a skier (has a big ski bag) yet has the most amazing tan (I can see her feet - don't ask me how) ;-)

At least 11 flights in three weeks begins.

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