Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Flight #16 - The Industrialist

On my flight from Stockholm Arlanda to London Heathrow on Thursday night last week I sat next to the Industrialist and his wife.

It was a couple in their late 50's or early 60's. The man was clearly some kind of business man and was reading business papers. He looked like he was in INDUSTRY. Some boring industry but he reminded me of an olden day business man from the 20's or 30's. The kind that would have had a mondo nice suit.

This guy didn't have a flashy suit or didn't look overly rich or anything.

He was polite. Didn't play elbow hockey. Was quiet. He clearly let his wife sit more comfortably.

They were clearly heading to London on vacation and I saw that they were Swedish and that the man was reading a The London Guide to Politics. He didn't strike me as a politician though.

A decent seat buddy.

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