Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Flight #17 & Flight #18 - The awesome Flat mate

On my flight to Lisbon on TAP (Portugeuse airline) I got to sit next to Jon Bird, my awesome flat mate. The best seat buddy yet. If I didn't know better I would say he was a techie gadget maestro by the use of BOSE head phones, ipad2, and reading Stuff magazine.

He didn't bother me or play elbow hockey and he was chatty. :-) The flight was fairly empty and there were loads of seats open. We flew with around 15 people from Bazaarvoice which was entertaining. They were sitting everywhere around us.

Jon sat next to me on the flight home from Lisbon to London as well on TAP. This time he slept most of the time. :-)

But this is the flight I want to write a little more about. The guy sitting in front of me leant the chair back fully. Very annoying. I don't really see the use of tilting the chair back completely on a short flight like this. So I played knee pokey pokey with him.

later on in the flight it was hilarious, three babies started a competition or choir of crying, one after another. It was surreal. None wanted to be less than the other. Luckily it didn't last too long and luckily they weren't close to me.

All in all, it's sooooo much better to travel with someone you know and it's a lot more entertaining. We could chat when we needed too and sleep when we needed too.

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