After a quiet Friday night spent relaxing and chilling, it was once again time to go out on the Saturday night into an unusual warm November night... this time I was to meet a good friend of mine from my time in Bratislava in Covent Gardens ... but first... my first training session towards winning Olympic Gold in 2012 in Males Badminton... yes, you guessed it.. BOWLING... a perfect start... After hours of stretching and mental preperations we played at All-Star Lanes at BrickLane... very kool new place... was like an American Diner, old school... A good game of bowling indeed... all the necessary ingredients: beer, exciting finish, ooh's and ahh's from the elated spectators/participants and last and least... sexy bowling shoes...
Once the physical exertion was done it was off to the Roadhouse near covent garden...
Sitting 6 people in a tight little booth originally made for 4 europeans or 2 americans or 8 japanese was nice... and the food was good... without even ordering dessert we got the perfect conclusion to our meal... a big burly trucker/lumberjack looking man... probably around 190 cm, with a thick red beard, and a long braided pony tail... probably around 110-120 kgs.... prances in in front of us as the live band plays, looking out every now and then... is his date... a tiny little Japanese woman... both of these characters have muchos muchos energy.. and a positive happy spirit... they then insist on giving us, and the rest of the dancers the show of a lifetime... HARD-CORE-dancing... one at a time... starting to graze their bodies against a red tape that seperates our food booths with the dance floor... they weren't hired by the club or anything, but these two opposites in size and figure... were sooo similar in personality.. was great to see...
at the same time (or all throughout dinner)... there was a couple... pressed up against a tv screen literally examining eachothers throats... this went on for maybe 90 minutes while we ate... As we finished eating and treaded out onto the dancefloor, one thing struck me... (while not in a sober however not overly drunken state)... there are some hideous guys out there that have the strangest, sickest "hunting" techniques .... my favorites
1) Without doubt the most common one yesterday....
GUY: Stretch out hand and nudge a girl, whenever and wherever you want... and just make eye contact... don't say a word... just give them the sleeziest look ever...
Intended result? Well what I can gather is that most of the guys expect this technique to convince a girl to immediately jump on this dudes lap as she screams that she wants his kids and wants to be with him forever...
Result? Girl looks at guy with a "WTF, were you born retarded or did it happen when you inhaled all the gas at the petrol station?"
2) Less common but still heavily used yesterday...
GUY: walk by girl and stop behind her, just stand there looking at her neck
Intended result? Obviously she's supposed to sense that he's behind her as she has eyes in the back of her head... turn and round and throw her arms around him and proceed with whatever he might have in mind...
Result? She takes a step forward away from him, and he takes this as a chase.. so he takes another step towards her, until she turns around and gives him a "WTF, get away from me you maneour devouring scum" look... he doesn't get the hint immediately but once it registers that this might not be a good way of doing it.. he instantaneously starts cursing her... "ugly bitch" or something... which ultimately says something about his own taste...
The examples continue... but obviously some were successful cos there was a lot of "happiness" going on around...
As you can understand, its been a while since I've been out to a dance club, and even longer since I've been out at one in the UK, which isn't too much different than in Sweden of course, but it has its own little distinctions...:-)
I write this also obviously cause I miss Anne muchos muchos much... while its fun to dance, its better to dance with the person you love...:-) then for some reason you often ignore all the sleezy guys (and I must add girls too but in less sleezy forms) ...
All in all it was a fun night... lots of dancing, lots of laughs...